Release 2.1
Build 2.1.05 (Jul. 11, 2016)
- Music now available with MythTV Services.
- New artwork option: "None" (good for Videos).
- Change default HTTP socket read timeout to 60 seconds.
- Default data cache expiry interval increased.
- Handle "content" intent for downloaded files.
- Allow disabling duration mismatch warning by setting seek tolerance to -1.
- Fix video player nav controls on Android 6.
- LibVLC 3.0.0-git_gcf76346 (fixes issue #64).
- Fix Live TV to use separate playback options from Recordings.
- Highlight choice in right-hand fragment of split view.
Release 2.0
Build 2.0.06 (Mar. 27, 2016)
- Updated look-and-feel.
- New internal video player options: LibVLC or Android.
- Auto-skip for streamed and downloaded recordings.
- Issue #10: Sorting options for Live TV.
- Issue #39: Show HLS transcode status.
- Issue #58: Download a file for offline playback.
- Friendlier handling of first run settings reminder.
- User-controlled options for video stream mode and player.
- Include season and episode info in recording summary.
- Option to select transcode quality when queuing.
- Channel icons for EPG.
- EPG recording priority option.
- Simplified setup for Fire TV.
- Omit LiveTV storage group from recordings list.
- Avoid OutOfMemoryErrors with many pages in detail mode.
- Fix pager scrolling for Fire TV.
- Fix identification of already-scheduled recordings for Live TV.
- Fix list view update after recording deletion.
- Set focus on positive button in prefs dismiss dialog.
- Fix subLabel extra lines display for list items.
- Suppress non-visible channels in mythling guide service.
- Issue 54: Back button handling for EPG popups.
- Fix mythling guide service handling of previously-started programs.
- Fix circular back nav for Fire TV EPG.
- Fix breadcrumbs in Fire TV.
- Issue #56: Mythling services for listings search.
- Handle gaps in EPG listings data.
- Accommodate duplicate channel numbers in EPG.
- EPG usability and navigation fixes in Fire TV.
- Remove logic to delete in-progress HLS transcode jobs.
Release 1.2
Build 1.2.04 (Jul. 30, 2015)
- Issue #32: Mythling EPG
- Issue #44: MythTV 0.28 support.
- Issue #37: Ability to delete recordings.
- Issue #22: Externalize all message strings.
- Issue #40: Default values for Switch Preferences should be boolean.
- Issue #42: Parsing bug in Mythling media services (thanks, Frank).
- Issue #48: Allow use of multiple tuners for Live TV.
- Issue #51: Fix folder breadcrumbs in Android 5+.
- Fix detail mode to correctly display first two items on initial access.
- Fix occasional frontend playback issues for recordings.
- Specify UTF-8 encoding in MySQL queries for Mythling services.
Release 1.1
Build 1.1.08 (Mar. 3, 2015)
- Split View mode.
- Fire TV support.
- Internal video player.
- Device-specific settings.
- Develop in either Eclipse or Android Studio
- Service for music playback.
- Default view type is specific to media selection.
- One-time alert when settings have not been initialized.
- Issue 21: Remember path when switching view and sort modes.
- Issue 23: ListView long-click menu: play item or transcode.
- Issue 24: Fix sorting for Mythling services.
- Issue 26: Stop button stays visible.
- Honor loss of audio focus in built-in music player.
- Compensate for missing videometadata homepage values for
- Fix start date display for recordings not yet a year old.
- Remember current position when switching between view modes.
- Recast Credentials settings as Authentication.
- Consult definitive artwork pref for deciding on detail panel layout.
- Fix orientation change causing failure to recognize pre-existing transcode.
- Handle async runtime errors in detail fragment.
- Take status into account when matching transcodes.
- Fix home navigation if view mode was changed.